While most people focus on their pre-workout nutrition, what you eat after your run can also impact your performance, whether you run on a treadmill or outside.
To help you optimize your running nutrition, we have gathered together two lists recommending what you should be eating after your runs and what you should absolutely avoid post-run.
Best Things To Eat After A Run
Directly after a run, many people don’t feel hungry at all. However, that feeling can change quickly and being ravenously hungry does not often lead to wise decisions. To help you make the right dietary choices when the hunger hits, keep these foods on hand.
Enjoy fresh fruits – Eating fresh fruits can provide your body with healthy simple carbs for refueling and natural sugar to refill your glycogen store. Some of the best fruits to keep on hand are:
Choose protein – Working out creates micro-tears in your muscles, which creates that feeling of soreness. Eating protein after a run can help your body repair itself more quickly. Some top sources of protein you can easily snack on are:
Hydrate carefully – Plenty of gyms have attached juice and smoothie bars, while advertisers push sports drinks. While these kinds of beverages aren’t the worst things to drink after a run, they tend to be more sugary and calorie-laden than your body needs. The drinks you should be downing post-run are:
Do Not Eat These Things After Running
Your body will put up with a lot of bad nutritional choices post-run, but the trade-off can be problems such as upset stomachs, slower recovery times, and lower energy levels. To protect your body post-run from these problems and others, avoid these foods.
By being careful about what you do and don’t eat after your runs, you will be able to see improvements in your future performances and daily energy levels.