Here at, we want to provide the best, unbiased view of the treadmills we research, test, and create reviews about. Since our readers usually don’t have the same resources to put into their research as we do, we try to bring them along for the journey with us. When someone is trying to choose a treadmill it can sometimes be difficult to see why, or how, one treadmill ranks higher than another, to help clear up any confusion, we have begun to make in-depth treadmill comparisons.
In our treadmill comparisons, we will take two treadmills and compare them feature by feature to determine which treadmill is superior. In each comparison, the treadmills will be in the same price range to keep things fair, as it would hardly be a real comparison if one treadmill was a budget machine against a high-end NordicTrack machine.
The treadmill comparison page will continue to grow as we add more treadmill head-to-heads, so keep an eye on this page!