St Fitness 8921
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The St Fitness 8921 continues to increase it’s price while still lacking any great specs or extras that would make it worthwhile. Other than the warranty, we just can’t figure out why someone would pay so much for an ST. Pass it up if you can’t find a great discount. The motor uses 3.0 chp and has no improvement from its earlier models. The tread belt is standard length measuring 20″ x 60″.
One of the only differences in this model than the earlier models is the 15% incline and 12 mph max speed. What is really sad is the earlier models can handle those “upgrades”, but the factory settings force their max speed to 10 mph and the incline to 12%. Now there is a way to change the default factory settings and have the earlier models max speed and incline upped, but it does get a little complicated.